Billing Dashboard
The Billing dashboard allows you to track and manage all aspects of your subscription. You can see the details of the plan you’re on and how much of your quota you have used for your billing cycle.
(1) Email: The email of your Komment user account.
(2) Current plan: The plan you are currently subscribed to.
(3) Monthly bill: The monthly charge for your plan.
(4) Plan renewal: This is your next billing date.
All plans are renwed on a monthly basis, apart from the Free plan which never expires (quotas still reset monthly). You can cancel at any point before your plan renews and your plan will end on this date without further charges. If you cancel your plan, you will be able to see the date your plan will end.
(5) Manage Subscription: This will take you to the Stripe portal to manage your subscription.
(6) Utilization: Track the proportion of your private wikis that you have used/have remaining.
Your private wiki quota is updated each time you change the visibility settings of a wiki. Your allowance depends on your plan and does not reset monthly.
(7) Utilization: Track the proportion of your wiki pages that you have used/have remaining.
Your wiki page quota resets monthly on the plan renewal date. This metric is updated each time you generate a wiki.
(8) Utilization charts: These are visual representations of your utilization quotas, so you can see your usage at a glance.
(9) Joining date: This is the date you joined Komment
Keep an eye out for an anniversary easter egg 🚀